Hourly Rates (Tehran Time)
Remittance and Cryptocurrencies
Rate (Toman) | Rate (Toman) | Change | Time |
US Dollar Personal |
1.15 |
110 |
18:47:41 |
US Dollar Business |
780 |
120 |
18:47:41 |
Emirates Dirham |
785 |
30 |
18:47:41 |
Euro |
2405130 |
210 |
18:47:41 |
British Pound |
34.6 |
200 |
18:47:41 |
Canadian Dollar |
11.88 |
-300 |
18:47:41 |
Australian Dollar |
655 |
80 |
18:47:41 |
Malaysian Ringgit |
72140 |
20 |
18:47:41 |
Chinese Yuan |
54933 |
10 |
18:47:41 |
Turkish Lira |
9066040020 |
30 |
18:47:41 |
Japanese Yen |
1544080 |
10 |
18:47:41 |
Coins and Gold Rates
Coins and Gold | Rate (Toman) | Change | Time |
Gold Ounce |
105340 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
18Carat Gold |
700 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
IR New Coin |
8619878750 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
IR Old Coin |
945 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
IR Half Coin |
4288340 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
IR Quarter Coin |
4.9 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
1 Mithqal Gold |
14130 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
IR 1 Gram Coin |
5640 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
Coins Bubble | Amount (Toman) | Change | Time |
IR New Coin Bubble |
28700 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
IR Old Coin Bubble |
490.84 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
IR Half Coin Bubble |
1450 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
IR Quarter Coin Bubble |
71200 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
18 Carat gold Bubble |
1220 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
IR 1 Gram Coin Bubble |
133090 |
0 |
18:47:44 |
Official Foreign Currency Rates
Melli Exchange Rates | Rate (Rial) | Change | Time |
Melli-Ex USD Sell |
96.02 |
-135 |
00:27:21 |
Melli-Ex USD Buy |
38.86 |
-133 |
00:27:21 |
Melli-Ex EUR Sell |
169.28 |
2832 |
00:27:21 |
Melli-Ex EUR Buy |
6.2 |
2804 |
00:27:21 |
Essential item Import Rates | Rate (Rial) | Change | Time |
US Dollar |
4510 |
0 |
17:12:27 |
Euro |
204.35 |
2039 |
17:12:27 |
Emirates Dirham |
699571 |
0 |
17:12:27 |
British Pound |
1903390 |
1931 |
17:12:27 |
Chart and Analysis